Out and about

An unconventional tale about a man coming to terms with his life over the course of an afternoon walk. Raw, brutally honest, poignant and funny, the film explores the contrast between our inner and outer selves, the conflict between old dreams and new realities, and one man’s search for meaning as he wrestles with aging, success, failure, and his ultimate place in the world.

General Information

Original Title: Out and about

Year: 2022

Running time: 65 minutes

Country: USA

Direction: Peter Callahan

Screenwriter: Peter Callahan

Cinematography: David Tumblety

Cast: Peter Callahan, Maggie Lacey, Tom Nelis, Bridget White, Matthew Boston, Daniel Stewart Sherman, John Joseph Gallagher, Finnerty Steeves, Martin Shakar, Welker White, Ben Gougeon

Producer: Konstantin von Krusenstiern and Ivon Visalli

Language: V.O.S.E




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