Antoni Verdaguer

Screenwriter and Film Director, among his feature films include two works of historical fiction: “La teranyina” (1990) and “Havanera 1820” (1993), and documentaries “Raval, Raval …” (2006) and “Jordi Dauder, la revolución pendiente “(2012). Gaudí Award for best documentary film.

Born in Terrassa (Barcelona) in 1954, he formed in the local cinema-club and amateur and independent cinema, with a great tradition in his hometown. In 1972 he obtained a scholarship that allowed him to study in Paris, graduating in cinematographic direction in 1976.

She joins the professional world as an assistant manager. He later worked as production manager and numerous casting director for films and television series, working with Eloy de la Iglesia, Antonio Drove, Ventura Pons, Francesc Bellmunt, José Maria Forn, Luc Béraud and Francesco Rosi, among others.

He is the scriptwriter and co-writer of most of his film and audiovisual works and has co-wrote for films by other directors such as “Rateta, rateta …” by Francesc Bellmunt or animation series for “Neptuno films” by Josep Lluís Viciana

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