Tiger Girl

Young Tiger (Ella Rumpf) gets what she wants. Vanilla (Maria Dragus) does not know what she wants. Apart from one important thing: a uniform. Tiger teach her to bite, and Vanilla tastes blood. So Tiger needs to learn a new rule: They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

General Information

Original title Tiger Girl

Year 2017

Duration 90 minutes

Country of production Germany

Director Jakob Lass

Script Jakob Lass, Eva-Maria Reimer, Ines Schiller, Nicholas Woche

Cinematography Timon Schäppi

Cast Ella Rumpf, Maria-Victoria Dragus, Enno Trebs, Orce Feldschau, Benjamin Lutzke,Franz Rogowski, Ulrik Bruchholz, Lana Cooper, Robert Gwisdek

Language German and English

Production company FOGMA GmbH


Genre  Action

Category Fiction


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